Apple knows it will take HTML5 years to catch up with Flash because they themselves, amongst others though, are in charge of the W3C. The real reason Flash was banned on ios is that the appstore would be redundant otherwise. doob (three.js) and grant skinner (create.js). The persons making html5 slightly useable all derive from the Flash community, like mr. (for now it’s very very very slow on iphone and ipad and has infantile syntax, no datatyping, not convenient to write OOP)ģ) The still sucks, and totally suck, all html5 games suck very much on ios and take you back to the nineties. Fallbacks often require Flash btw.Ģ) I wonder why you think javascript is safer or even better then java, as3 or any other language. Even if I made my own operating system and browser I should still be able to use every website.ġ) for now, flash is about 40% more compatible then html5.ġ) it’s very expensive to develop rich web apps in js because of all the time wasted on fallbacks, that will within a couple of years, hopefully, be useless bloatware inside your code. How about people running iOS, Android, Linux, BSD, a Chromebook or whatever.

It’s absolutely ridiculous to use Java, Flash, Silverlight or any other plug-ins. In my opinion you’re a incompetent and useless web developer if you use any plug-ins.
None of them are available for iOS (luckily!), I think Android only has Flash, Linux has a crappy implementation of Silverlight (Moonlight) which is absolutely useless. Java, Flash and Silverlight are the most used plugins. A website should work on every device, no matter what operating system or browser is being used. Not only is it a bad idea because of the security risks, but also because of compatibility. Using plug-ins in a browsers was the most stupid idea ever. More and more websites use HTML5 and I can easily live without those websites that require Flash. I’ve used Flash before, but since Apple released Lion without Flash pre-installed I’ve never installed it myself. I’ve never used Java, but having it installed is a big security risk, so I’m glad it’s finally gone. I don’t need them and I don’t want them on my systems.
I’ve never used Java and I’m really happy Apple finally decided to not install Flash and Java by default. If my bank (or any other company) would force me to use any plug-ins I’d immediately switch to another bank (or insurance company or whatever company). How can a bank ever use Java (or Flash or any other plug-in)? A bank should be all about security, so they should use any plug-ins. I know you posted your reply more than two months ago and you’ll probably never read my reply, but I just have to reply. : Slot 194 is already occupied by when adding pb.(Block.java:251)Īt .(BlockCombined.java:35)Īt .(BlockTubestuff.java:17)Īt mod_TubeStuff$1.registerBlock(mod_TubeStuff.java:65)Īt (CoreProxy.java:31)Īt mod_TubeStuff.load(mod_TubeStuff.java:62)Īt .(ModLoaderModContainer.java:356)Īt .Loader.modInit(Loader.java:273)Īt .Loader.initializeMods(Loader.java:628)Īt .FMLClientHandler.onLoadComplete(FMLClientHandler.java:223)Īt .a(Minecraft.java:429)Īt .run(Minecraft.java:738) OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M OpenGL Engine version 2.1 NVIDIA-8.0.61, NVIDIA Corporation

VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Apple Inc.
also in my java options it gives me the choice of java 7 and two java 6 one 32 bit and one 64 bit Sence there are a couple of minecraft players here this is my probelm, trying to run tekkit and every time i go to open the game this happens what can i do to fix it.